Thursday, May 31, 2012

Yesterday's horrible/great day!

So yesterday was horrible and great  day all bundled into one day.

The NCC was supposed to give us our final document (traveling papers so that we could apply for Ezra/Innocent’s passport), but the woman in charge messed with us again.  First she didn’t show up to work, even though she told us to she would be there to issue the papers... not the first or second time she’s done this.  She was at a photo shoot.  Then, over the phone, she told us we needed to draft  a document.  Then she told us we needed to fill out more forms.  Then she told us that she wasn’t even the person we needed to sign the form!!! 
Up until this time I was frustrated and angry, but by this time I had lost all sanity and ability not to cry.  So I sat in the waiting room and cried.  Not a pretty movie cry, but an exhausted angry cry that makes everyone unfortunate enough to be sitting near me rather uncomfortable. 
Finally, the letter was written and sent across town for the director to sign.  So by noon we had our letter... we are done with the NCC.  Passports applications are only accepted until noon, so we weren’t able to do that... but we had the travel letter—Thank you Jesus!!!

We are hoping to have the passport by Friday (they’re willing to do it quickly because of the death of Shawn’s dad)  Then on Saturday or Sunday we’re off to Nairobi (who just told Shawn on the phone that the process will take 3 months—it’s so ridiculous it’s funny!!!
We need prayer for... everything.    God is so good and gracious to us.  Please pray that it all comes together (flights-we have to change them all, Immigration, passport, and whatever else we can’t see yet).  I’m so glad we’re not doing this alone!

Clap your hands, all you nations: Shout to God with cries of joy. 
How awesome is the Lord Most high, the great king over all the earth! 
~ Psalm 47:1-2 ~


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. sorry...had too many typos in the last post to keep it up. I'm a little OCD like that!

    What I meant to say was:

    Oh my word, Juanita!! I was away for a week and am just getting all caught up on your progress. I am praying and praying and praying for you!! Goodness gracious! I am also so thankful you are not doing this alone.

  3. Oh Juanita, I am sure hoping it won't be 3 months!?!? That is crazy. Just plain crazy. I am glad you had a good cry- there is a reason why our bodies need to cry, and it probably did you the world of good. Maybe it is just as well we were not able to adopt from Rwanda. I doubt I could have kept it together being messed around as you have- it could have got messy ha ha;) At least you are done with the NCC. I am thinking of you and praying you are home in Canada soon:)

  4. you are getting closer to going home... still praying!
