Sunday, May 6, 2012

Can't Sleep .... Too Excited!!!

Okay, so this is really happening!

We’ve bought our tickets and we leave on Friday.  Liam (our 8 year old will stay here with his grandparents and be well loved/spoiled while we’re gone.) 

I keep getting waves of realization that I’m going to meet my son in about a week—that’s crazy!  Three years of waiting, hoping, battling, and wondering and in less than a week we start our trek over to Rwanda to meet our boy.   Our adoption agency is now thinking that we might not have to travel to Kenya for the visa thing.  We’re going to try currier it there and back (if that doesn’t work, Shawn will fly over and try to deal with it while our boy and I are back in Rwanda).  I’m hoping we can stay in Rwanda the whole time.  I love it there and it would be nice just to be in one place.
Did I mention at all that I’m excited??!!
So the house is a mess as I wander around trying to figure out what to do.  I’m also trying to enjoy each and every hug and smile from Liam while I can.  He is such a fun easy boy.  He’ll be sitting beside me and then just blurt out, “I can’t believe it, I’m going to be a big brother!”

I can’t wait to share pictures with all of you.  I can’t wait to see my son.  He’s not smiling in any of his pictures and so we’re excited to eventually see his smile … hoping that he has a sense of humour.  I can’t wait to hear his laugh. 

Okay, I have to go wander around my messy house and figure out what to do.  Thanks for all your prayers. 


  1. Oh my goodness!!!! That is so amazing. I can't wait to see pictures!

  2. Yay! I am beyond happy for you guys and so excited:) That would be super if you didn't need to go to Nairobi- more time to get to know your son's country. Make sure to put in a good word for us 'maybe waiting' families while you are there;)

  3. SOOOOOOO excited for you!!! Yay!

  4. Awesome news! Ready to see a pic of your little guy! Hope you blog your journey!

  5. Congratulations! We are over here on the west coast thinking of you guys! Travel safely and we are so happy things have worked out for your family!
