Saturday, May 19, 2012

Africa Bagal Company

Today our lawyer, Antoine, took us to a place called Africa Bagal Company.  We walked for about 35 minutes to get there (all up hill I might add).  It is an organization that helps women learn skills so that they can earn money and survive.  They sell some creative things and also donuts, cookies and delicious bagals.  Every Saturday all 'white' people get together to eat and just hang out in the garden there.  It's beautiful and yummy.  We got to spend time with some of the area missionaries and pray with them. 

Then, as always, this afternoon we got a chance to visit our boy.  Up until now he has favoured Shawn, but I guess today was my day.  I got lots of hugs and he took an interest in my hair. 

This is the road we drive down to get to the orphanage.

The Blue gates of the orphanage

Tomorrow we're going to investigate the area churches.  I don't like having to hire a taxi every time we want to go somewhere so I would like to walk around and find a local church.  Who knows where we'll end up, but I'm looking forward to some good old African worship!!


  1. Enjoy your worship service wherever you find it. I bet the Rwandans aren't afraid to clap in their services. It should be an interesting morning for you.
    I'm missing you more every day, so I hope God takes mercy on me soon and brings you back to Canada within the next week. OK, you may think I'm not realistic, but He can do miracles, you know!!

    1. we woke up at 6:30am to the sounds of drumming and singing. Who knows where it was... probably at the baptist church ;)
