Thursday, May 17, 2012

Day #5 Patience is a virtue

Well it's another day of waiting.  Hopefully our lawyer can convince the ministry to give us a court date.  They seem to be trying every excuse to make this difficult for us.  They said that our medicals should be updated every 3 months so ours are out of date.  They wanted us to fly home, find the same doctor and get a new medical.  I don't think that's really going to happen.  Then they said that we need a new dossier because the child is almost 5 years old and we're only approved for a child under the age of 4... our boy is actually 3 years old.  Hmm, it feels like they're just trying to make this difficult for us.  But my God is greater than all of this.  I am so encouraged by all the prayers that are being offered on behalf of our family.  This is just another opportunity to stand and see the Glory of God. 

Okay, so this has nothing to do with the above paragraph, but I just love how Rwandans transport things!  If I had 25 mattresses, I would never think that they would/could fit in a truck this size.  Apparently I would have been very wrong.

While waiting at a government building the other day we got to just sit on the grass and look at the beautiful landscape. 


  1. Praying for you and your family!

  2. Thank you Thank you! Please pray for us tomorrow... we got a court date but it's for June 11th (to put this in perspective, our tickets home are for June 7th and we were under the impression that was overkill) We area going to the court early tomorrow morning to ask for a sooner date. We are trusting God and praying that He will soften their hearts and do something great! Thank you for your prayers!

  3. Oh Juanita, I am so sorry to hear about the court date. That is ridiculous. Please know we are all rooting for you and that we hope these obstacles will be removed soon. You stay patient over there...I will be angry at them for you;) Just keep the big picture in mind and you will soon be home and all this nonsense will be behind you. Fingers crossed for a change of court date:)

    1. Praise God it is changed to this Monday!!! How awesome is that!!??! Thanks so much for your encouragement and willing to be angry at them for me (you make me smile!)
