Monday, May 21, 2012

Monday, Monday

We went to our first court hearing today and it went well... at least I think it did.  Whenever our lawyer is advocating for us, whomever he's speaking to always looks very unimpressed and I think "this is not good... they're going to deny our request".  However it all ends up working out.  I have a sneaking suspicion that God is using this to keep me praying, because, believe me, when those unimpressed looks come, I start praying!

Us before we left for court.

The judge was very good to us and gave us our second court date for this Thursday at 2pm Rwandan time.  This is where he gives us his decision.  The only two questions the judge had for our lawyer was
1. Do we have enough money to care for the child
2. How long have we been married.

This is our wonderful lawyer, Antoine in his court outfit.

Once the court hearing is done on Thursday, we have to try to:
- get his travel papers
- get his medical done by a special doctor (immigration will only accept the medical from this one doctor)
- get his passport
- do all the immigration stuff with Nairobi to obtain our son's visa (a quick side note about that... we have been dealing with immigration in Nairobi for 2 years now and have even just recently submitted money and papers within the past 3 weeks.  When trying to obtain a specific form we need for the medical, they had no idea who we were--excellent!  Another chance to pray!

We had a wonderful time with our son this afternoon.  We didn't even bring out any toys today, we just walked around, took pictures and had fun together.  I find he does so much better just being with us rather than when we try to entertain him with colouring and toys.  I just love him so much!  Once the court case is done, we will finally be allowed to post pictures of him.  Until then, some random pictures of our day...

For all the farmers back home, there is a right way and a wrong way to carry your chickens into town.  This, my friends, is definitely the right way.

I wish I could carry stuff on my head with such ease. 



Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.
~  James 1:2 ~

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