Friday, May 18, 2012

My God Can Move Mountains!

Wow, we went to visit the president of the court today to request an earlier court date (our date that had been given was June 11th). Our lawyer was hoping he would speak English so that we could speak to him and plead our case, however we didn’t even need to say a word. Our new court date is this coming Monday!!! To God be the Glory! Thank you so much for your prayers. It is so exciting to see a hurdle and then watch God remove it. So, Monday is our court appearance and then after that, the judge has up to a month to set our second and final court date. We are hopeful and are praying that he will set that next court date for Tuesday. Praise God for what He has already done. Please pray that things would continue move along quickly.
This was us about a week ago in the Brussels airport on very little sleep.  Seems so long ago!


  1. Yay!! That is amazing news. So happy for you must be relieved:)
