Saturday, April 21, 2012

Some Questions

I have some questions for some of you who have recently been through the adoption process.  I’ve been trying to join the yahoo Rwanda adoption forum, but for the last week or more it’s been pending so I think this is my next best option for picking your brains.  If you have any answers I would really appreciate you sharing,

  1. In Kenya (where we have to get his travel visa) did you hire a driver?  Was he just your driver for the entire time you were there?  Can you recommend him to me?  How much did it cost per day or week?  How & when do you go about contacting him?  Anything else we know about this???

  1. For those of you who adopted older children (three or four years old)… did they speak any French or English?  Did they understand any French or English?

  1. How did you book your place to stay in Kenya when you couldn’t be sure when you’d actually leave Rwanda and arrive in Kenya? 

  1. Our child will be a little over 3 years old, do you think he will be toilet trained?  How about at night?
    5.  Where did you stay in Kenya?  Our agency suggested some guest houses, but the least  expensive is about $30 per person per night.  I see other hotels online but I'm not sure if they are 'good'  We are trying to do this as inexpensivly as possible while still being safe.

 I’m SURE I have so many more questions.

Thanks for answering any of these questions … or, if you have answers to questions I haven’t asked, please share!!!



  1. Juanita, there is a Facebook page, I think it is called 'Rwanda Adoption'. I used to be a member but since left. There are loads of families who have been through the process that can help you on there. Not many use the Yahoo group anymore:) Hope you find all the answers you need. Do you know when you are flying?

    1. oh that sounds great Hollie. Thanks for letting me know about that.
      We think that the possible departure will be mid May... if all goes as planned :)

  2. exciting! I can't wait to hear your story of Rwanda...Canadian style:) I don't think there have been any Canadians that received a referral since 2009. I hope everything comes together just as planned- you guys have been through enough of a rollercoaster deserve a little plain sailing!

  3. Hi Juanita! I have a list and travel information that my agency sent us a little while ago, if you want me to forward it to you, could I get your email address? Thanks! So excited for you and really hoping everything from here on out goes smoothly for y'all!

    1. hey Kat,
      That would be great! My email address is any help would be great. Thanks!

    2. Okay, I just sent it! Let me know if you don't get it for some reason. Good luck getting everything together!

    3. Hey there Kat,
      I didn't get the email but I have been having so many problems with my email address. If you have time to, would you be able to sent it to our family email address which is
      Thanks so much for your help. :)

  4. hi juanita! i got your email...and have been trying to email you back for days - but it keeps coming back to me?? i'm sorry!

    but, basically, we didn't travel through kenya - we went through ethiopia - so i'm no help in that area!

  5. and, just read this post. i have a couple answers.

    we adopted a little boy last summer that was 3 (almost 4). he was in a diaper every time we picked him up. but he was totally potty trained. like, almost NO accidents. we were SO pleasantly surprised!!!!

    and not a WORD of english. he spoke kinyarwandan. but, within 4 months, he was FLUENT in english. and speaks not a WORD of kinyarwandan now.

    1. Thank you so much Courtney! Sorry the emails didn't work. I've been plagued with horrible email problems for the past few months. I totally follow your blog and so I was hoping you would have some older boy answers so thank you so much for your help. :)

  6. I just emailed you, please let me know if you didn't receive it. I adopted from RW in October 2011

    1. I got it (and already excitly responded!) Thanks so much :)
