Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Am I Dreaming?

Throughout this process I have had a number of dreams about holding my Rwandan child or going over to get him.  I had one the other night and although it was odd (as most dreams are) it was wonderful to hold my little guy.

The day after my dream, my husband and I were at a fundraising banquet with friends when we got a call from our adoption agency contact.  She said that the Ontario ministry was willing to wave the restrictions on their licence (that our child must be a true orphan) and change it to either being a true orphan or being abandon)!  This means no 2 hearings we can just continue!!!  We have been waiting for this news since September and now it looks like we can keep going in the process—one big step closer to bringing our little guy home ... PRAISE GOD!  So the entire evening at the banquet I was teary and excited and so very scared that this was just another dream.  I’m still worried that I’ll wake up and have the hearing looming over my head, but I’m pretty sure it’s for real this time.  I hope this brings some of you waiting moms and dads some hope.  Good news for one of us is good news for us all J

I hope this means in just a couple of months we will be flying out to see our little boy... and that he will be able to be home with us for the summer. 


  1. Oh Juanita, I am so happy for you guys! I have tears in my eyes:) I can only imagine the relief and joy you are feeling right now.

    Unfortunately it looks like you will be one of the only Canadian families getting your Rwandan looks as if our dossiers have not been matched and have been closed. And so our journeys have come to an end. We are devastated. But the blow has been softened by your happy ending...I can't wait to see photos of your little guy:)

    1. Oh Hollie, that's horrible! I am so sorry this has happened. I don't get it... can you re-apply after they deal with the hague? Are you thinking of doing so? I can and can't understand how you're feeling. I am brought to tears with this blow to you. I read on another blog that a family received a referral under 'unusual and unethical' circumstances and thus Rwanda was threating to stop referrals until after they finished becoming hague compliant (I wish I knew what that situation was all about).
      So what are you going to do now? I can't imagine starting a new journey after such a long difficult one you've just been on. My heart aches for you right now. I'm so sorry... so sorry.

  2. I don't think it was because of that one case...they had issued all those '6 months' letters way before that happened. And the situation wasn't particularly unethical in my opinion- the baby in question had serious medical needs and a family with substantial financial means (to pay for the medical treatment) and willing to take a special needs child were identified for him out of order. The baby was also being fostered, not at the HOH. I think it was the only kind and humane thing to do for this little boy. And they have that right to make that decision- it is their country, their rules, their children.
    We keep hoping that the NCC will change their minds and process our dossiers. With so few options for adoption in Canada now I don't think we will be able to go through the process again. And our hearts were so much in Rwanda that it is hard to contemplate anywhere else right now:(

  3. so excited for your news in the midst of sad news from others. always good to celebrate a child getting closer to "orphan no more" status! can't wait to see how this goes for you!

  4. PS- I tried to email you the comments I made above but my emails were bounced back saying your email address no longer existed...just thought I would let you know in case this was an error. Would love to keep in contact off the message board:)

    1. My account got hacked and was sending horrible emails to everyone so I had to deleate it. I'd love to keep in contact too. Here's my new email address
      It's interesting about that case that you clarified (medical needss). I agree with you, I think that it makes sense to get the child the care he needs asap, and, many of us have stipulated 'healthy' children so we wouldn't qualify for adopting that particular child anyways. I'm so glad you clarified (I was quite curious).

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Yay!!! So happy for you Juanita!!! Go get your little sweetie!!
