Saturday, June 2, 2012

Hello Kenya!

Well, at 3 am this morning, the Robinsons got up to get to the Kigali airport to fly to Kenya.  And here we are!  I was surprisingly excited to come (I think I’m just hoping that being here to petition in person to immigration, we might actually get somewhere).

The view of Rwanda from our plane window

Kenya seems nice but I love the hills of Rwanda.  There’s so much garbage on the side of the road here... maybe it’s just where we’re staying though.  The three guesthouses that were recommended to us were all booked up so I found a hotel called Nomad Palace Hotel.  It’s very modern, clean and friendly, but the neighbourhood isn’t safe so we’re just staying in the hotel compound which is very safe.
I love the accommodations, but it’s kinda hard to entertain a 3 year old in a hotel room all day.  We’ve been walking about 3 kilometers every day with Ezra/Innocent and so that not only takes time, but it expels energy—a very important ingredient for parental sanity!  We’re booked here for 2 days and then we’ll have to decided if we want to try one of the guest houses in the safer neighbourhoods.   I’m just very glad we’re here.  I have high hopes that we will be able to still go home on Thursday... maybe unrealistic, but I do know that if it’s God’s will, He can move mountains.


  1. yay for kenya! can't wait to see that sweet little face when you are able to post it:)

  2. Hi Juanita:
    Janna got me linked into your blog. Hope that's okay. That's great you are able to take Ezra with you. Somehow I thought you would have to go back and get him after Kenya. I sent an email to Shawn to say Tim McCoy led the entire assembly of over 500 people in prayer for you guys and your situation this morning. Hope that helps encourage you in the midst of frustration.
