Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Well, we have his visa and the plane tickets are purchased/changed so I think a formal introduction is in order...
Ezra Muhire Innocent Robinson

It's funny because when our adoption practitioner saw the original pictures, she sadly told us,
"there's no sparkle in his eyes".  We also feared the same.

(I cannot seem to figure out how to rotate this picture... you get the drift though)

Well, I think we've found some sparkle!

He was born on February 16, 2009 and was named Muhire Innocent (here in Rwanda, the second name, Innocent, is the name he would go by).  On our last day in Rwanda, one of the nuns told us that Muhire means Blessed.  We were hoping to keep the name of our given child, however in Canada we didn't think the name Innocent would go over very well, so we chose the name Ezra and will keep his other names as middle names. 

Some of the ways the nuns at the orphanage describe Innocent are:

~ Very Smart ~
~ Naughty (said with eastern European/African accent) ~
~ Very Happy ~
~ A Leader Amongst the Other Children ~

Without a doubt, we can tell how much the Sisters have loved and cared for him.  Every worker and helper knows his name and always takes time to say hello to him.  We are so fortunate that he has been well loved!

This was Innocent's bed.

This is the play equipment

This is where he used to eat

In our hotel room this is how he sleeps
(we're sharing a king sized bed)

Thanks and praise go to our Lord and Saviour.  He has done great things... this child is such a gift

"I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of Him."
1 Samuel 1:27


  1. What a beautiful child! His eyes are dancing with joy :) We look forward to seeing him in person...soon, we hope! We hope your shoes are holding out, Juanita ;)
    Love and prayers, Lloyd & Lynda

  2. Oh he is so cute Juanita...there is no doubt you guys are meant to be his parents. Look at the joy on his face:)
    Looking at the photos of the orphanage make me so sad. I hope the rumors are true and that there are not so many kids there anymore. My heart is heavy that we will never go there to meet our daughter:( Which makes your adoption even more special- look at all the obstacles that were placed in your way and they have been overcome. My very best wishes to your family for a wonderful life together. I hope the transition is to life in Canada goes well for little Ezra too:)

  3. OH, there is sparkle! He is so cute and looks like so much fun:) SO HAPPY FOR YOU!

  4. So happy that Innocent is home with his family. He has a special place in my heart that I have shared with you before.
