Thursday, June 21, 2012

A Good Week

This has been an interesting week.
At the end of the season last summer we got this inflatable little double pool (knowing full well that Liam was too big for it).  But it has gotten SO much use in the first week of inflation.

We had Liam's best friend over (with his brother and mom) and they played in this for about 2 hours.  Their favourite thing to do was cannon balls and diving--no, this is NOT deeper than it looks.  I am considering posting a 'no diving' sign.  This has been a great way for Liam to interact and have fun with Ezra.  This pool is so worth the dead grass! 

And, of course, snack time... every time seems to be snack time.  I'm so grateful that this is a good season for fresh fruit.

Liam is so good at pulling Ezra in the wagon--there's not calm wagon rides with these boys though.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I know Ezra is so new to our family, but teaching boundaries is always important.  Some sitting time is always a wonderful opportunity to take a break from destruction and think about listening.  Destructive at times, but still adorable!

Daddy and Ezra watching Baby Einstein's MacDonald's Farm... the only show that seems to hold his attention.  I know TV isn't the best, but man, do we ever need some non-active time in this house and I'm guessing that 20 minutes of TV won't ruin him :)


  1. I found you guys!!!!! I knew that if I did a quick search on "Innocent Ezra Rwanda Canada" that I might have a little luck :) This is Sarah, by the way. From the orphanage. I'm back in Dallas now (being back in the west is so strange now!) and back to babysitting. Can't replace my mornings and afternoons at the orphanage though! So glad to see that Ezra Innocent is doing well. I'm sure it's quite a change for him, but it sounds like he's rolling with it pretty well. How is his English coming along?

    1. AAAHHHHH! Serious!!! Wow!
      Ezra is doing very well. He's understanding so much and copying everything. He's fitting in well and testing all the boundaries-HA.
      I can't imagine how strange it is to be back in the US and even how odd it would be caring for American children rather than the orphans. Glad you got home safe. I'm so excited to have contact with you so that we can give you updates and show Ezra your picture.
      Thanks for hunting us down... I'm going to go and check out your blog now!

    2. That's great to hear :) He's a quick learner, I'm sure. And a boundary tester indeed! Haha :P American kids are definitely different. Much more individualized than my babies back in Kigali.
