Wednesday, June 6, 2012

We got his visa!!!

We got it!  We got it!  We Got it!  Innocent/Ezra's emergency visa has been approved and we picked it up after lunch.  We contacted our travel agent and just said... get us home.  We don't know if she'll be able to change our tickets or if there is any room on our flights for Innocent, but God has brought us this far... I'm certainly not going to stop trusting Him and start worrying now!  I hope we can be home by Friday... whatever happens, we can go home!!

For great is Your love, reaching to the heavens; Your faithfulness reaches to the skies.  Be Exalted, O God, above the heavens; let Your glory be over all the earth.”
 Psalm 57:10-11

In the less important, but very interesting news department, I offer the following updates:
Two nights ago, the tv in the dining room was on the nature channel and during my meal I got to witness a deer giving birth—yum.

Yesterday, the tv in the dining room was apparently still on the nature channel and this time we got to witness a brown bear eating another animal while it was still alive...hmm.

There is a soap opera  on tv here that is called “Beautiful but Unlucky”.  I don’t think it’s made it to Canada yet, but I’m sure when it does it’ll be a hit.
My p.j.’s have deodorant stains on the outside of them because when I put my deodorant on the other day, I forgot to put in on under my clothes—I think I was a bit tired.
This is one of the signs posted across the street from our hotel room.  Shawn couldn’t believe that they would actually have to post a sign saying “No Urinating”.   Personally I like it when all the rules are clear.

I broke one pair of dress sandals last week and they yesterday at the doctor’s appointment both heels fell off my other pair of dress sandals (fortunately they were just little step heels, but if we don’t leave soon, I’m going to be coming home in bare feet!)

I thought the traffic was crazy in Rwanda, but here in Kenya they take it to a whole other level! This is a mini traffic jam in front of our hotel. Traffic lights are not followed, lines on the road are non-existent, and we actually saw a man getting a ride on the back of a motorcycle while carrying a car windshield.

While playing with Lego this morning, Innocent/Ezra made a statue of Mary mother of Jesus (Maria) and then wanted Shawn to pray to it.  After working on that theology for a little while, he decided to make a Bluetooth device and stuck it in his ear—I have no idea where he would have seen that!


  1. YAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Ha ha!!! Love your posts. So pleased you'll be home soon. I hope the rest of the journey goes smoothly. And in shoes.

  3. Your posts give us such joy and laughter! We are so thankful for your updates and pray that God will continue to move things along quickly. We are really, really looking forward to having all of you home...we miss you.
    Love and prayers, Lloyd & Lynda
