Monday, June 4, 2012

Roller Coaster

What a roller coaster ride today.  I will spare you all the long details, but it looked very positive at first, then the opposite of positive (that would be negative), then a little more positive and then a possible very good... follow? 
They lost our file.  We have been corresponding with these people for 2 years now and they told us that we don’t even have a file!!!  For a bit they were telling us that we must have applied for the wrong thing, but the more they  looked into it they realized that we actually did submit stuff and it is still sitting at receiving meanwhile these files are supposed to be flagged as priority. 

So, we are rushing to get a medical, have to pay an extra $200 to the CIC to fast track it for “humanitarian reasons” (because of the death of Shawn’s dad—but you’d think that if they had done their job we wouldn’t be this messed up.. whatever) and then hope and pray that we have a temporary visa to get Ezra into the country.  Then we have to go through the whole process (that we already did for 2 years) when we get home to make up for it.  At this point I just want to get home.  It’s hard to know what to do about our tickets on Thursday because CIC can’t commit to a timeline.

I have to say that we were SO blessed to get a woman who worked hard to try to figure things out for us.  At first I think she was annoyed that we showed up without an appointment (actually I’m pretty sure she was because she mentioned a couple of times that this is not how they do things).  But then she worked so hard to find a possible solution—and when she did realize that we actually submit properly and the receiving lost/never got to our file, she mentioned how she would have to “give them crap”.  Now honestly, I’d like to do more than that, but I appreciated her intentions.
Okay, well tomorrow we have part one of the medical and part 2 is on Wednesday.  Pray, friends, pray.  God can bring this about if it is His will.  I really hope it is His will!!!  I would be so happy to be able to leave on Thursday!

Praise God for a very helpful CIC worker who helped us tremendously.  I will be praying that God blesses her richly for the way she treated us today.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Juanita!
    Shelley gave us the link to your Blog, so we've been following your the ones sent by the church. What an amazing journey!! We thank God for placing the right people in the right place at the right time to help you along the way. Know that many, many, many prayers are being offered up for you and Shawn and Liam and Ezra.
    With love and prayers, Lloyd & Lynda
