Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Splish Splash

Who doesn't love babies in the bathtub??!?

He loves the bubbles.

I took Ezra and Liam to the community centre pool today for the first time since we've been home.  Ezra had no clue how to act in the water.  At first he couldn't even figure out how to walk in the shallow end (water up to his neck).  Then, he had no concept that he would drown if I wasn't holding him--how do you explain that to a three year old who doesn't speak English??
Finally after a few uncontrolled flailing dunks, he started to figure out that working against mom usually resulted in water up the nose... not a good feeling.

One of Liam's responsibilities is to spend 15 minutes a day reading.  The past 2 days, he has chosen to read to Ezra (which elates this mom!)  He is such a good reader with such expression.  Ezra's attention has now stretched to being able to listen to a full book--sometimes.

Life is good.  Every day changes--keeps me on my toes.


  1. Cute. Glad things are going relatively well for you! Your boys look happy:)

  2. Love big brother reading to little brother! That's awesome! My son had a hard time sitting through a book at first too. Then we discovered Byron Barton books...they are perfect for little boys with short attention spans. Plus, I love that the illustrations include lots of people with brown skin. Didn't notice things like that until we had a Rwandan son. Still praying for you all. Sounds like you are doing well.

  3. Love it!!! I'm sure he loves those bubble baths :) And that reading is a great thing. Good for Liam :)
