Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Medical is Done!

YAY!  So, we were supposed to go do the first part of the medical (take blood) today and then finish tomorrow (get checked out by the doctor).  But they decided that we could go see the doctor and if he saw anything that concerned him, he could order blood tests... if not then we wouldn’t have to do it!!  So we got both days’ tasks done today!! 

This means that when we get the tracking number of the medical file (tomorrow afternoon) we can submit it to Immigration and then we will wait and hopefully they will grant us an emergency visa.

The big question now is... what do we do about our tickets (we need to get a flight back to Rwanda and then take our normal flights that leave at 8pm)  We still haven’t been able to book Ezra’s flight (due to not having a passport and then not knowing when we’ll be able to leave), and we heard that one of our connecting flights home is full—eek!  I don’t know what to do.  Do we take a chance that we’ll have a visa by Thursday afternoon and say yes to booking flights???  Friday, the Immigration is closed to the public so there’s no use in us putting it off one day either.  I know in James that God tells us that, “if anyone lacks wisdom, let him ask of God who gives freely and without reproach”.  Well, I need wisdom and I need Him to give it abundantly and freely.  What to do... what to do....

Praise God for what He has done for us yesterday and today.  He is good!

Just so you know...
I saw a lady with really abundant armpit hair... I wasn’t being snoopy... she freely displayed it for all to see (sorry, no picture).

I only have one clean pair of underwear left—I’ll have to do another load of “hotel sink laundry”. (again, no picture)

It is SO dirty here.  No, this is not a picture of the dump... in our hotel neighbourhood (and many others), this is just what the side of the roads look like.

On the right hand side, you’ll see a building with skinny logs coming out of it.  That’s their version of scaffolding.  Serious.

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