Friday, December 21, 2012

All Hands On Deck!

There’s a family out there who needs prayer… I know there are many families out there who need prayer right now, but this family should be spending this Christmas with their newly adopted children but has just found out that this won’t be happening.  They are Keri & Nathan and their blog is .. the truth of this situation is so infuriating!  This mom is someone who encouraged me through our adoption frustration/delays/roadblocks even though Rwanda had closed her file.  Please take some time to pray for her situation—Their family just adopted 2 children from Ghana (they are legally adopted—have been to Ghana to meet them already, have gone through all the government checks with both countries, and as of a couple of days ago, one of the children was refused a visa into the US.)  This is not just a delay… her son and daughter are in a third world country without their parents and they’re not allowed to try for a visa again for 6 months.  This hits home. 

I know that if Liam or Ezra were in an orphanage halfway across the world right now I would be appealing to EVERYONE I knew to help and pray to bring my children home.  I am asking everyone I know to please pray!

I know that this Christmas when I am sitting around the tree with both of my children it will be bitter sweet—I finally have my son home, but I will be painfully aware that Keri & Nathan and their children will not be together.

It is a privilege that we have to be able to pray for those around the world whom we’ve never met—we are the body of Christ!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

This morning Ezra came out the the den with one of his shirts on his head (not abnormal around here at all).  I said to him, "Are you wearing a hat today?", to which he replied, "No, I Massarie".  Massarie is what he called the sisters at the orphanage--I have NO idea how to spell the word.

Ezra proceeded to tell me he was a Massarie at the orphanage and clarify things by saying, "and Ezra no more orphanage".  We have had many conversations this week about his place in our family.  It seems that he is now voicing his concerns/desires about him staying here.  He told Shawn a number of days ago he wanted to stay here with us--to which Shawn tried to assure Ezra that he wasn't going back to the orphanage because he is now here with us... we are his family.  Definitely difficult things to explain to a 3 year old who still doesn't have a perfect understanding of the English language.
I'm really glad that Ezra is talking so candidly about this... it is allowing us to daily tell him that he is staying with us (I'm sure the other shoppers in isle 4 of the store yesterday found our 'orphanage conversation that Ezra initiated rather odd. (It's not the normal thing to come up in conversation here in Canada).
I think/hope he gets it.  I'm glad that he's not just holding it inside--that's a big thing for a little guy to even have to wonder about.

I was fortunate to be able to have my picture taken with the Massarie that visited our house today :)

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


We don't have a pool, we don't have a dog, we don't even have central air conditioning, BUT we do have our very own balloon pit. 

Last month someone at church had a birthday party and felt that our home was the best place for 2 garbage bags of leftover balloons.  Thus was born our balloon pit. 

Well our good old balloon pit was getting empty and the balloons that had survived were rather shriveled.  So, seeing as Liam's birthday is tomorrow, I decided it was time to refill the pit. 
So far Ezra has been the one enjoying it, but I'm sure Liam will be jumping in soon enough!

I like having a ball pit... probably more than having a pool or a dog
(however, I would trade it in anytime for central air!)

Monday, December 10, 2012

Coffee House

Our Church had a Christmas coffee house the other night.  The lights were dim, there were goodies on the tables, great conversation, and fantastic musicians playing.  Liam was given the opportunity to play 2 songs on the piano at the coffee house. 

One of them was a duet with his piano teacher and the other song he played by himself.

He made some mistakes but it was wonderful to watch our church family speak such kind and encouraging words to him for the rest of the evening.  As soon as he finished playing, he said to me, "I made a lot of mistakes", however by the time we got home, his first words to Shawn were "Everyone said I did really well!!!"  I love our church family. 
 I love to see what the encouragement does for Liam.  Ezra and Liam are opposites--Ezra LOVES attention up front, however Liam is so timid in front of people.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I love our friends.  This is in no way 'adoption' related, but this is more like "if it weren't for fun times like this I'd be insane" related.
Our friends Allan and Darcie were over for pizza and because I stink at cooking, the bottom of the pizza didn't cook.  SO... plan B was to fry it in the frying pan.  Great, until it was time to remove it from the pan.  That's when the fun began!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Orphan Sunday

Eric Ludy puts words to the ache in my heart for the orphans that are all too easily forgotten. 
He puts words to the anger I feel towards those in our government who did everything they could to prevent us from adopting our son. 
He puts words to the sorrow I feel when I remember the children who are still in the Home of Hope orphanage in Rwanda... whose faces I can still see, whose voices I can still hear calling and reaching out to Shawn, calling him "Papa".
November 4th is Orphan Sunday.  Not everyone is called to adopt, but we all have a great responsibility to care for the orphans.  Let our hearts be continually broken for these children...
"Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you."  James 1:27
"And anyone who welcomes a little child like this on My behalf is welcoming Me." Matthew 18:5

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Time with the girls

We had so much fun with Nina, Patience and Diana.  They are such sweet girls.  Both Liam and Ezra enjoyed having them around--Liam was sad that they had to leave so soon.

Nina was trying to teach Ezra how to play Mary Had a Little Lamb. 

Shawn was helping to teach Patience how to make the Lego wall more stable--Shawn is such a good and patient teacher.  Patience's wall will soon be impenetrable!

One last story.
I shouldn't have been so anxious about having them.  That's one of my faults--I worry about stuff so much that I pass up so many good things.  Being able to have the girls was very important to Shawn so we decided to have them.  As usual, Shawn was right.  It was great to have them.  I need to work on worrying about details and possible problems... I'm glad I have a husband who is different from me in this way.


Monday, October 29, 2012

Nina, Patience & Diana

The African Children's Choir sang at our church last night and it was amazing.  Those kids can sing and dance.  We get to have 3 of the girls stay with us for the next couple of day and they're so sweet. 
I love this picture of Shawn reading to all the kids before school time.  He is SO good with kids! 

Liam told me that it's easier having Nina, Patience and Diana than it is having Ezra... I think having them is closer to what he thought having an adopted brother/sister would be like (closer to his age).
Ezra spent a bit of time staring at them when he saw them in our house for the first time this morning.  I hope this is a good experience for him. 

This is the only picture I have so far, but I'm hoping we can snap some more as we're having fun over the next couple of days.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Craft time

I'm pretty lucky that Liam is an easy going boy.  He loves his Lego, but can also have fun with Ezra's toys.  He's the same way with crafts.  He's happy to do the same craft as his 3 year old brother and never complains that it's boring or childish--he's so happy with anything. 

So once a week, we put off Liam's school for a while and the boys do a craft together.  Yesterday it was full body tracing and colouring and I'm not sure who enjoyed it more!


I'm loving the crafts we're doing, but I don't know what to do with all their beautiful creations (I do more with Ezra than with Liam, but our fridge & walls are getting filled up quickly!)


The days can sometimes be long but I LOVE having them home with me, and I love teaching them.  I enjoy them and they seriously make me laugh all the time!

*On a more educational note--  Ezra is loving to count EVERYTHING.  Least you think he's brilliant and I'm amazing, I took notes when he was counting crayons just a minute ago:

One, two, four, eight, nine, elephant, three, eight, one, ten, five!
*On a less appealing note-- I keep getting wafts of poo smell.  I haven't been able to find the source but am becoming more worried and grossed out by the minute.  Wish me luck!



Thursday, September 27, 2012


Ezra won’t really cuddle or sit on my lap or any fun stuff like that right now.  I think I understand why... I don’t like it, but I think I understand. 

The hard part is seeing how, even though he won’t cuddle/be held by me, he will lavish all that on random friends and people who come over.  He will sit and rest and stare into their eyes as if to soak and bask in their attention.  It frustrates me because I have been trying so hard to intentionally connect with him and show him how much I love him and what it is to have a mom.  But he sees me every day—there’s nothings special about my attention right now (I spend hours singing, playing and talking with him and he has come to expect this).  But for Shawn and other visitors, their attention is more valuable because Ezra doesn’t see them as often—I get it.

I was laying in bed the other night thinking about this and all of a sudden the first line of a David Crowder song came into my head- “He is jealous for me...”.   Oh how my children show me more and more about my Heavenly Father.  I am so Jealous for Ezra, I want him to know me as his mom, not just the name ‘mom’.  I want him to desire a relationship with me, not just look to me when he wants a snack. 

I needed to hear this message He has given me.  I know my Heavenly Father desires a relationship with me.  A relationship that thrives at all times.  A relationship where I come to Him, not only when I need something, but just so that I can listen, learn and be loved by Him.  I knew this all along, but I think I feel it—I feel the rejection my God must feel from me.

Every day that I look at Ezra, I can see myself. 
When he pushes me away, I must ask myself if I am pushing God away.
When he ignores me, I must ask myself if I am ignoring my Heavenly Father.
When he is deliberately defiant, I must ask myself how I am defying my Saviour.
the words that hang in my livingroom

Oh, how my children open my eyes.


Monday, September 24, 2012


Liam’s prayer during family devotions today:  “Dear God, please let the internet stop working today so I don’t have to do school”. 
(Liam’s curriculum and my teacher’s manuals are online)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Tot School

So tot school isn't as bad as it sounds... we call it school because Liam has school and I want Ezra to realize that learning can be so much fun (especially when mommy is around... a bit of brainwashing never hurt attachment!)
I thought I'd go through some of the activities I'm doing with Ezra during Tot School so that if anyone else is trying to teach an internationally adopted toddler or special needs child it might help with ideas.  Disclaimer: I am not an expert (oh my goodness, I am SO not an expert!)  Every child is different and that's why it has been so challenging to find ideas.  Ezra doesn't fit into the mold.
As intentional as I was with early learning with Liam, it is nothing compared to how I have to get into this little one's mind.  Just when I think a game/activity is basic and where he's at, surprise, it's not.  This has been great for me to learn.  It's been good to really just break things down to the simplest form and make a game or song out of it.
We have been working on colours for a couple of weeks (and we've tossed in animals too just to bring some variety).  What has been hard is, because of the language barriers, we can't have colours mixed with shapes or overly colourful pages because a red truck usually has white, black and sometimes yellow accents on it which I now see can be confusing.  And when I point to a red triangle... how does he know if 'red' is describing the shape or the name of the colour. 
Important: All of these resources are only available when we are doing tot school—the idea behind this is that it is special and he is more attentive and excited to do each activity because it’s the only time in the day he gets to use them. Of course he has many other toys he can play with the rest of the day. This seems to be working!

Falling Bears- This is supposed to be a learning bingo game, but what I do is, Ezra can arrange the coloured bear squares anywhere on the board. Then I take a bear, say it’s colour, and drop it from up high.  Ezra gets 2 chances to catch the bear and then he puts it on the matching bear square.  *I was very excited when, unguided, Ezra began to place the little bears on the squares with the little bears and the big bears on the big bear squares... it just happened—YAY!*

Puzzles- Okay, so puzzles are a given, but I had to borrow some board puzzles and they’ve been great.  We have 3 puzzles with farm animals so we can say the name of each animal when he takes the piece out and puts it back in.  We alternate between books and puzzles and activities to keep the time exciting.
Books- So this may seem like a no brainer... but no reading actually happens.  We only talk about one or two things on a page right now or I ask him to find something on the page.  We have to find super simple books without many pictures so that we can make sure that he can understand how the words I say will match what he is seeing.

Colour Match Pegs- I totally stole this from someone online... sorry whoever, but I forget where I found it.  Basically, the colour on the clothes pegs matches the circles and he can match them up.  This was the first activity I actually saw improvement on within a few days.  Interestingly enough, I thought colours would be the basic thing to teach, but matching and seeing the differences in the colours is the base skill he’s been learning.  Still, 2 ½ weeks into it, one minute he can get it all right and the next moment he can think that every colour is called blue or purple (no big deal) and he can think that grey and pink match (meh).

Bells- 2 years ago, we bought coloured melody bells and haven’t had the chance to use them... until now!  Once again, we’re not using them for the reason they were made (or bought!)  We use them in one of the songs we sing about ringing bells high & low etc.  But the best use has been for colour matching.  I set 5 bells on one side of the room (blue, red, yellow, green, orange).  Ezra and I stand on the opposite side of the room.  I have large piece of paper in each of the colours and I hold them behind my back.  I look Ezra in the eyes and say “Ezra, could you go get me the.... red bell”.  He then runs to the other side of the room and finds the bell that matches the colour I’m holding (red).  When he picks it up he waves it above his head and runs back to me (while we yell “ring-a-ling-a-ling”).  I then put the red paper on the ground and he puts the bell on it.  AND repeat until all the bells are in front of me.  This is a highlight for him—running, yelling, making an unholy amount of noise with those bells and lots of praise from his momma!
Opposites- I can’t believe I brought these in, but he just seemed ready.  In everyday language I noticed he’s understanding words like open and close, and up and down.  So, I thought it might be a good opportunity to be intentional about teaching it.  These are simple 2 piece puzzles and so we can say the words, look at the puzzle pictures, do an action with it and then put the pieces together.  Talk, touch, do... these are good learning ingredients for boys (it would be perfect for him if we could add in taste!!!)
Singing & Finger Play- And of course the staple to every day is singing.  We doing the Itsy Bitsy  Spider, Row, Row, Row Your Boat, his favourite- 5 Little Monkeys, and a bunch more.  All of these have actions, running times and lots of eye contact (super good for attachment).
Wow, now that I write it down, that seems like a lot.  It’s not—it goes quickly.  It’s always fun for him or we stop doing it.  We do this while Liam does his first 1 or 2 subjects so that Ezra gets one on one attention at the beginning of the day.  He plays much better after this.
Ezra came to our family, not just with a language barrier, but without having someone read to him, didn't know what any animals were (never saw them), and had no concept of most of the things other 3 year olds have had exposure to.  It's not that he just needed to learn the English word for circle, or red, or cow... he needed to learn what those things were to begin with.  What a learning experience this is for both of us!
I seriously LOVE my boys!



Tuesday, September 11, 2012

First week of school

Well, last week was the first week of school for us Canadians and wow was it a doozie (does anybody even say that still?)
Well, Liam started grade 4 and Ezra and I are doing "tot school" (basically fun learning with games, puzzles, singing etc.)  I thought I was busy this summer... thought.  I keep thinking, "How do those women with tons of kids do it???"  And I haven't come up with an explanation of how that doesn't include a maid or steroids.
Anyhow, Ezra loved painting and since the theme this week is colours, it was a perfect activity.

This is Liam writing his spelling test... I know he looks so happy, but that's not because he likes spelling!
I look forward to getting into a good routine :)

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Ezra had surgery this morning--little man surgery.

Even though it was definitely necessary, it was hard to let him go into that operating room... knowing how much pain he would be in and how confused he would be when he came out of surgery.

They let one of us stay with him until he fell asleep, before they wheeled him into surgery.  I wanted to (and the nurse assumed I would) but even though I knew it was minor surgery, the though of seeing him go to sleep and being wheeled into the operating room made me tear up (what doesn't these days!)  I didn't want Ezra to be anxious so we felt it would be best if Shawn stayed with him.
It was hard to see him in the recovery room in so much pain but unwilling to cry.  He reverted back to some previous behaviours (shrugging at every question and attempt we made to comfort them).    I kept trying to tell him it was okay for him to cry.  I told him that 'mommy cries all the time'. Even though he wouldn't cry, we'd randomly see a tear roll down his cheek and his pain was so evident on his face.   
The only reason we took a recovery room picture was because the only thing he was interested in doing was taking pictures and looking at them--I think it took his mind off things a bit.
It's hard to tell in these two pictures, but, unprompted by us, he was trying to smile for the pictures.
But, no surprise, by the time we got home with him he was happy,laughing, making typical Ezra faces, farting up a storm (which in turn caused more laughing), and even some running.
He's walking kinda funny, and will for for a few days, but he's a trooper.


Wednesday, August 22, 2012

A full body experience

It's true, no matter how hard you try, finger painting is a full body experience. 

To be honest, I can't stand messes (and I'm not a neat freak... so I don't know what that makes me).  I often shy away from things because of all the clean up or potential damage it can do to the house.  And I don't like this about myself. 
Today I decided that the boys needed some messy fun and so we took the mess outside!
We started out with paper, but we could all see this coming.
So play time, messy time and bath time are now all taken care of--and I'm leaving the mess out side for God to clean up sometime!


Friday, August 17, 2012

Wasss sat?

"Wasss sat?" or, "what's that?" as the rest of us say.
This is what I hear all.the.time.  I know, I know, he's learning all sorts of new things, but when he's pointing at something and asking 'wasss sat?' without even looking at anything I'm pretty sure he's not curious.  And yes I know he just wants communication and attention, blah blah blah.  I think as of 1:25pm I have already heard this about 75 times or so (seriously, no exaggeration).  I was pretty patient with it the first 30 times or so... but once we've reached the 50th-60th time I'm now officially on a time out.  Not him, me.  I'm not mad at him or anything... just apparently reached my 'wasss sat?' tolerance for the day.  that's all :)

And as I go to my happy place, I leave you with some fun pictures at the splash pad.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

He makes me laugh!

Liam is the best for making me laugh. 
I was trying to practice a song for Worship on Sunday and Liam thought that he could add something to it.  So he grabbed his kazoo and played along with me... with so much gusto that I just had to sit back and laugh.. and laugh.

And a family bbq + grandma's exercise ball = a challenge

I love laughing.  I need to laugh.  I am a lucky mom :)