Tuesday, September 11, 2012

First week of school

Well, last week was the first week of school for us Canadians and wow was it a doozie (does anybody even say that still?)
Well, Liam started grade 4 and Ezra and I are doing "tot school" (basically fun learning with games, puzzles, singing etc.)  I thought I was busy this summer... thought.  I keep thinking, "How do those women with tons of kids do it???"  And I haven't come up with an explanation of how that doesn't include a maid or steroids.
Anyhow, Ezra loved painting and since the theme this week is colours, it was a perfect activity.

This is Liam writing his spelling test... I know he looks so happy, but that's not because he likes spelling!
I look forward to getting into a good routine :)


  1. His hair (or lack thereof) looks great.

    1. Thanks but we still can't get rid of the round white dots on head--we've been using the perscription anti-fungus cream for about 3 months now... I'm thinking he'll be polka-dotted forever! But he sure is handsome (not everyone can look that good in polka-dots!!)
