Thursday, August 30, 2012


Ezra had surgery this morning--little man surgery.

Even though it was definitely necessary, it was hard to let him go into that operating room... knowing how much pain he would be in and how confused he would be when he came out of surgery.

They let one of us stay with him until he fell asleep, before they wheeled him into surgery.  I wanted to (and the nurse assumed I would) but even though I knew it was minor surgery, the though of seeing him go to sleep and being wheeled into the operating room made me tear up (what doesn't these days!)  I didn't want Ezra to be anxious so we felt it would be best if Shawn stayed with him.
It was hard to see him in the recovery room in so much pain but unwilling to cry.  He reverted back to some previous behaviours (shrugging at every question and attempt we made to comfort them).    I kept trying to tell him it was okay for him to cry.  I told him that 'mommy cries all the time'. Even though he wouldn't cry, we'd randomly see a tear roll down his cheek and his pain was so evident on his face.   
The only reason we took a recovery room picture was because the only thing he was interested in doing was taking pictures and looking at them--I think it took his mind off things a bit.
It's hard to tell in these two pictures, but, unprompted by us, he was trying to smile for the pictures.
But, no surprise, by the time we got home with him he was happy,laughing, making typical Ezra faces, farting up a storm (which in turn caused more laughing), and even some running.
He's walking kinda funny, and will for for a few days, but he's a trooper.


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