Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Since we've been home, I've been trying to find where Ezra's at (learning) so that I could properly teach & play to his level.  He's very smart--the nuns were right, but on many things he's very behind.  I think I've finally got a clue as to where things are at for him.  Anything where he would have needed to see or read about or be taught, he is very far behind (colours, shapes, names of animals) because he had never seen a cow, dog or duck before.  However, with the tactile practical skills, he is right on (eating with a fork without spilling).  I tested this theory with some dollar store stuff and it was so much fun to see him do well.  He did the best with this cardboard shoelace sewing thing (who knows the right name for it... but I remember these from when I was little).

It's so excited to have an idea now of where he's at.   I feel like I can provide appropriate options for him to enjoy and learn. 

This past week-end, our church hosted a family fun day at the local park (with a bouncy castle, dunk tank, face painting etc.).  It was so much fun!

This is Ezra with my best friend Katherine.

Liam was so excited to go in the dunk tank--he got dunked a ton of times and came back up every time :)

Over and over I am so thankful that God placed us here, in this church and with these people whom I have come to absolutely love. 

Just taking a swing at our friend's farm.

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