Wednesday, December 19, 2012

This morning Ezra came out the the den with one of his shirts on his head (not abnormal around here at all).  I said to him, "Are you wearing a hat today?", to which he replied, "No, I Massarie".  Massarie is what he called the sisters at the orphanage--I have NO idea how to spell the word.

Ezra proceeded to tell me he was a Massarie at the orphanage and clarify things by saying, "and Ezra no more orphanage".  We have had many conversations this week about his place in our family.  It seems that he is now voicing his concerns/desires about him staying here.  He told Shawn a number of days ago he wanted to stay here with us--to which Shawn tried to assure Ezra that he wasn't going back to the orphanage because he is now here with us... we are his family.  Definitely difficult things to explain to a 3 year old who still doesn't have a perfect understanding of the English language.
I'm really glad that Ezra is talking so candidly about this... it is allowing us to daily tell him that he is staying with us (I'm sure the other shoppers in isle 4 of the store yesterday found our 'orphanage conversation that Ezra initiated rather odd. (It's not the normal thing to come up in conversation here in Canada).
I think/hope he gets it.  I'm glad that he's not just holding it inside--that's a big thing for a little guy to even have to wonder about.

I was fortunate to be able to have my picture taken with the Massarie that visited our house today :)

1 comment:

  1. And what a cute little masserie he is!! Glad he's realizing that he's home now :)
