Sunday, July 29, 2012

It's Official...

I have no idea what I'm doing!

Great day filled with friends and water and hot dogs AND the biggest meltdown yet (Ezra).  I've never seen his temper this fierce or his scream this high and loud.  And I have no idea what to do. 

I'm a bit nervous now about what tomorrow will bring.  Is the honeymoon over?


  1. Hey, I have no idea what I am doing most days with my kids and I have had the chance to know them since birth! You are still getting to know this little guy and he you and you guys sound like you are doing pretty well all things considered- so don't be hard on yourself:)

    Was it pretty loud and eventful? Have you read anything about Sensory Processing Disorder? Many kids from orphanage backgrounds have it. My daughter has it too. It is just an idea you may want to investigate. It may have all been too overwhelming for him and his response was to scream to block out the stimuli around him.
    This is a good checklist of typical behaviours:

    Don't know if it applies, but it is worth investigating just in case.

    Hang in there:) Hope today is easier for you and him!

    1. Hey HOllie, Thanks for the tip. I'll be researching this during nap time today :)

  2. Yep, hang in there. You will have days you are shocked by, you have not been home very long. Our son would not have meltdowns per say BUT he would go wild, kinda out of control, not talking, running away, very unfocused. It happened and still can happen in overwhelming situations... it is so much better now, doesn't happen often at all now. We began seeing this behavior when we first went back to church, lots of people and lots going on there. His little mind just couldn't process it all.

    1. Thanks... I knew to expect difficult times and that we were getting off easy so far, but wow, last night just took us by surprise. Glad to hear your son is doing better now. I just keep praying through each situation, that God would give me the wisdom to know what the right reaction/response--it's SO hard to know what to do in the moment. Good luck seeling your home nice a quick (I can't imagine trying to keep it 'show ready' with all those kids!)
