Monday, September 26, 2011


Wow!  So I woke up to Shawn sitting on our bed, looking at his ipod saying “Juanita, Juanita, uhhh, uhhhhh, Juanita!!”.  I thought he was doing some early morning bill paying so I was instantly worried, but then he was finally able to get some words out that told me he was looking at the email we had been waiting for.  It’s a boy!!!  We had been approved for siblings, either gender under the age of 4, so this was exciting but surprising.  I’m not disappointed, but it’s an adjustment.  For 2 years we had been referring to them as “our kids” but now we have to realize that we will be saying “our son”.  I love him already.  I don’t know why exactly it has worked out that we will only get one child (God knowing what is best for our family, God knowing that this is the child he has for us and he doesn’t have siblings, the government just decided to give us this child … who knows), but whatever the reason I am so thankful for this little guy.  I think one child will defiantly be easier for us as parents and I really think it will make the adjustment for Liam (going from being an only child to having a brother) a lot easier. 

So, what do we know about this little guy?  Not much!  We have one picture and we know his name—that’s it!  We have no idea how old he is.  If we say yes to him then he will undergo medical testing to make sure he is healthy.  We were only approved for healthy children, so if something big shows up, I don’t know what will happen.

I wish I could post a picture but I don’t think I’m allowed.  I don’t know when we’ll get to travel … I don’t know a whole lot, but I have a picture of a little boy that I love sooo much!  YAY!!


  1. Hi Juanita, I just found your blog. So happy to find another Canadian family adopting from Rwanda! We are in BC.


  2. So happy for you! Can't wait to follow the next stage of your journey.
