Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Names .. names .. names

Okay, so I had really hoped that we would be able to keep our child’s name.  I looked at it as being able to keep at least one thing from his life before the adoption because he would be losing so much.  Of course as life happens his name is not a name that would transfer into Canadian culture very well—not well at all.  I was even open to odd names, however I am sure he will be mocked incessantly if we keep his given name as his first name.  We will put it as a middle name, but now begins the process of thinking up a name for him.  Now, if he was a she, I would have a list a mile long to look at, but for a boy.  Hmmmm. 

Spinning the topic wheel a bit, it’s hard when I look at the process for my American friends because I see how after their referral they are traveling within weeks.  Our agency still isn’t sure if we’ll have him by Christmas (3 months from now).  I guess that gives us time to get things in order, but honestly, we’ve had 2 ½ years ... I’m ready to hold my boy! 

1 comment:

  1. Hello and big congratulations! We are also a Canadian couple (from BC) who are waiting to adopt from Rwanda! There are few of us Canadians, so we wanted to be in touch and let you know that you will be in our thoughts and prayers as you travel! We will stay posted on your blog and be with you in spirit as you complete this exciting process! You are breaking Canadian ground!

    We also wanted to chat about the Citizenship process as we all have so little recent experience to draw on. If you would like to chat about this, you could email me directly: (Gail).

    We wish you all the best with a speedy process to your son! Big hugs!

    Gail and Scott
