Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Time with the girls

We had so much fun with Nina, Patience and Diana.  They are such sweet girls.  Both Liam and Ezra enjoyed having them around--Liam was sad that they had to leave so soon.

Nina was trying to teach Ezra how to play Mary Had a Little Lamb. 

Shawn was helping to teach Patience how to make the Lego wall more stable--Shawn is such a good and patient teacher.  Patience's wall will soon be impenetrable!

One last story.
I shouldn't have been so anxious about having them.  That's one of my faults--I worry about stuff so much that I pass up so many good things.  Being able to have the girls was very important to Shawn so we decided to have them.  As usual, Shawn was right.  It was great to have them.  I need to work on worrying about details and possible problems... I'm glad I have a husband who is different from me in this way.


Monday, October 29, 2012

Nina, Patience & Diana

The African Children's Choir sang at our church last night and it was amazing.  Those kids can sing and dance.  We get to have 3 of the girls stay with us for the next couple of day and they're so sweet. 
I love this picture of Shawn reading to all the kids before school time.  He is SO good with kids! 

Liam told me that it's easier having Nina, Patience and Diana than it is having Ezra... I think having them is closer to what he thought having an adopted brother/sister would be like (closer to his age).
Ezra spent a bit of time staring at them when he saw them in our house for the first time this morning.  I hope this is a good experience for him. 

This is the only picture I have so far, but I'm hoping we can snap some more as we're having fun over the next couple of days.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Craft time

I'm pretty lucky that Liam is an easy going boy.  He loves his Lego, but can also have fun with Ezra's toys.  He's the same way with crafts.  He's happy to do the same craft as his 3 year old brother and never complains that it's boring or childish--he's so happy with anything. 

So once a week, we put off Liam's school for a while and the boys do a craft together.  Yesterday it was full body tracing and colouring and I'm not sure who enjoyed it more!


I'm loving the crafts we're doing, but I don't know what to do with all their beautiful creations (I do more with Ezra than with Liam, but our fridge & walls are getting filled up quickly!)


The days can sometimes be long but I LOVE having them home with me, and I love teaching them.  I enjoy them and they seriously make me laugh all the time!

*On a more educational note--  Ezra is loving to count EVERYTHING.  Least you think he's brilliant and I'm amazing, I took notes when he was counting crayons just a minute ago:

One, two, four, eight, nine, elephant, three, eight, one, ten, five!
*On a less appealing note-- I keep getting wafts of poo smell.  I haven't been able to find the source but am becoming more worried and grossed out by the minute.  Wish me luck!