Friday, August 5, 2011

A Late Start

We've been officially seeking to adopt children from Rwanda for 2 years now--2 long years :).
I've thought about putting our adventure down in words for a long time, but I haven't.  I think the fact that I've never been good at journaling or having a diary has stopped me.  Now though, I just have so many thoughts, hopes and worries that I want to write them down ... even if nobody reads them.
Most people start their adoption blogs at the beginning of the process, but not me!  We just got our non-objection letter in the email a couple of days ago (August 4th) and I'm hoping that we are at the last part of our adoption journey.
For the last number of months, any time someone would ask about the adoption I would have to fight to stop myself from crying (usually unsuccessfully).  It was hard to wait before, but we did it.  I don't know what change a few months ago, but it just seemed to be excruciating!  I don't know if it was the knowledge that it was supposed to happen last November or if it was the rumor that Rwanda would be sending out 6 month regret letters, but the result has been emotional exhaustion. 
Finally getting our non-objection letter the other day has excited me.  I am now daring to dream again.  I have NEVER lost my trust in God ... I just didn't know how long this plan was going to take.  I find myself willing to hope and willing to look to the near future and toy with the possibility that we might get a referral within a few months.  Everything in me is screaming to guard my heart, but I have spent so long feeling blue that hope just feels so good.  I'm choosing to trust, hope and dream ... we'll see how this goes!

This is my husband of almost 10 years, Shawn.  He is a man who loves God and seeks to obey Him at all costs.  He grounds me.  He is level-headed when I'm not.  He is optomistic and not afraid to dream.  I am so fortunate to share my life with him.

And this is our son, Liam.  He is 7 1/2 years old, loves Lego, Star Wars, bike riding and talking.  I am so happy to be able to homeschool him--he is so much fun to be around. 

And then there's me.  I'm 32, and love being a wife and a mom.  I realize what a gift it is to be able to stay at home to raise & teach our son.

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