Sunday, February 17, 2013

This time last year

Yesterday was Ezra's 4th birthday.  This whole week I couldn't get my mind off the thoughts of 'this time last year'.  Last year had 7 months of memories where Ezra should have been with us, where because of government difficulties, he was waiting for us in Rwanda (all the while, the nuns thinking we really didn't want him).

This time last year it had been 4 months since we had received Ezra's picture in our email and we should have had him  home.  We decided to celebrate his birthday even though we were continents apart.  We went to Swiss Chalet (Shawn, Liam and myself), I propped Ezra's referral picture beside me in the booth and the four of us spent dinner together.  I'm guessing that our dinner was a bit tastier than Ezra's was.

We then went to the movies to watch a family flick--Ezra stayed in my purse because, even though it was a family movie, I don't think it would have been appropriate for a 3 year old.

Well, this birthday he is with us... boy is he with us.  He know what having a birthday means (after witnessing Liam's birthday in December) and he has been waiting for HIS day for so long now. 

What a great day it was.  It is so much sweeter not only because we missed the first few birthdays, but really because of how hard it was last year--to know his name, have his picture and know that our son didn't have his mom and dad with him to celebrate with him (Africa is so far away, especially when your child is there and you're not).

The cake, presents and attention were overwhelming.  From the other room I could usually hear him talking to himself about his birthday, singing birthday music to himself, or, of course arguing about his birthday with himself.

Yesterday was his day in the spotlight and he loved it.

Such a great day.  I know that every birthday I will feel immense gratitude to our Lord for the miracle that allows us to celebrate with our son!

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