Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Forgetting How

I don't know if it's just my Ezra, but every month or so, he forgets how to play by himself.
Yesterday I did tot school with him and another little boy and he had a blast.  We went outside for a bit, the boys watched a bit of tv, and I read him books... we had lots of 'face time' and it wasn't just a boring old day.  But when it was "Ezra alone play time" he couldn't do it.  He would wander around and seek more attention until I told him he had to go into the den and play with his toys.  He then would either just wander around the den aimlessly or just sit on the floor in front of his toys and wait for play time to end.  Honestly, there is only so much attention I can give the child.  Shawn and I have put him to the test in the past to see how long he would just sit and wait for play time to be over rather than amuse himself... it was remarkably long!
When we first had Ezra, he was pretty good at alone play time, but then when he realized that it was more fun to be entertained by an adult it was funny how quickly he lost the ability to play--seriously acted like he was fully incapable of playing by himself. 
Shawn and I just expect it every few weeks and can just laugh at the absurdity of it BUT Shawn is away this week and the days are looooong.   I was expecting a little regression because of Shawn's absence and so far it hasn't been too bad (just forgetting how to play and speak properly... not bad!).
Fortunately we have a little routine we go through when this happens to help encourage him to 'remember' how to play.  So today we are working on this and have had some improvement!

Now, if I could only find out the source of the pee smell I'd feel a bit better.

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